So, this little bit of dancing with the ancestors, concerns the paternal side of my family, and the Goad Family, which descends down to my grandmother Osie Lee Smith-Mitchell.
The descent is as follows . . .
Abraham Goad - m - Katherine Williams
John Goad - m - Catherine (Surname Unknown)
Johannah Goad - m - Valentine Sevier
Abraham Sevier - m - Mary Little
Mary Ann Sevier - m - John Halterman
Emmaline Halterman - m - Hardin Smith Lane
Martha Ann Lane - m - John Leonard Smith
Osie Lee Smith - m - John Francis Mitchell (my grandparents)
I've only been able to trace back as far as Abraham Goad. From what I have found, he was born May 10, 1667 in Old Rappahammock County, Virginia. He married Katherine Williams (b. 1668 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia; d. May 23, 1741 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia), daughter of John Williams and Eve (Surname Unknown), before 1690. They had the following children . . .
- Elizabeth Goad (1690 - 1735)
- William Goad (1693 - 1733)
- Hannah Goad (1695 - 1753)
- John Goad (1700 - 1771)
- Alice Goad (1709 - 1767)
- Abraham Goad (1710 -1779)
- Peter Goad (1715 - 1794)
The Last Will and Testament of Abraham Goad
following will was transcribed from copies of the original handwritten will on
file in the Virginia State Archives. The photostatic copies were owned by Mr.
H. O. Gray, Memphis Tennessee . (Typed transcription from the
files of Wanda June Goad Worland):
In the name of God Amen. I Abraham Goad being weak of
body but in sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to all mighty God
for the same, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testement; but
first of all I recommend my soul to the hands of Almighty God that gave it to
me & my body to be buryed in a Christianlike manner at the discretion of my
Executors hereafter mentioned, and as touching my temporal Estate in which it
hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with, I give and dispose of the same in
manner and form following: Item - I give and bequeath to my grandson William
Goad, the son of William Goad that plantation on which Mary Goad now lives ---.
Item - I give and bequeath to my son John
Goad and his wife all the land that lies above the north fork of the briory
swamp---. Item - I give to my son Abraham Goad all the land lying on the south
side of my spring branch---. Item - I give to my son Peter Goad all my land
lying on the north side of my spring branch---. Item - I give to the heirs of
my son William Goad one shilling. Item - I give to my daughter Hannah Phillips
one shilling. Item - I give to my daughter Elizabeth Dodson one shilling. Item
- I give to my daughter Alice Dodson one shilling. Item - I give and bequeath
to my wife Catherine the use of my
Negro woman Judith, and all the remaining part of my personal Estate during her
natural life & after her decease to be equally divided amongst my three
sons John Goad, Abraham Goad, and Peter Goad. My will and desire is that my
wife Catherine Goad live on my plantation and not be molested during her
natural life. Item - I likewise constitute ordain and appoint my son John Goad
to be the whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testement, as
witness my hand and seal this 7th day of March, 1733.
his mark
Abraham Goad
Eliza E. Lawson, Winefed Miskell, Henry Miskell, Probated July 1, 1733
The above found at:
John Goad was born November 27, 1700 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia. He died July 23, 1771 in Bedford, Bedford County, Virginia. He married first Catherine (Surname Unknown) prior to 1723, and second Ann (Surname Unknown) in 1734).
John and Catherine had the following children . . .
- Joannah Goad (1723 - 1773)
- Elizabeth Goad (1726 - 1799)
- John Goad II (1729 - 1792)
- Hannah Goad (1732 -1771)
- William Goad (1733 - 1778)
John and Ann had the following children . . .
- Abraham Goad (1740 -1816)
- Robert Goad (1742 - 1830)
From what I can tell, it looks like John's first wife died within a year of giving birth to their last child. As was the way back in the day, John remarried quickly . . . mainly to have someone take care of the younger children. Hey, it was what they did back in the day.
The Last Will and Testament John Goad
November 27, 1700 to July 21, 1771
(shared by Joe Gadus, July 12, 1999)
In the Name of God Amen. I John Goad of Bedford
County being in perfect
sence and Memory Do Constitute and appoint this my Last will and Testament.
Empressed first I Bequeath my Soul to Almighty God that gave it me and my body
to be buried in a Christianlike Manner at the Discrestion of my executors.
Item I give to my Daughter Joanah Sevear one shilling sterling to be paid out of my estate.
Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Cox one shilling
sterling to be paid out of my estate.
Item I give to my Daughter Hannah Bennett on shilling
sterling to be paid out of my estate.
Item I give to my Daughter Ann Risden one shilling sterling
to be paid out of my estate.
Item I give to my Son William Goad one shilling to be paid
out of my estate.
Item I give to my son Abraham Goad one shilling sterling to
be paid out of my estate.
Item I give to my son Robert Goad one shilling sterling to
be paid out of my estate.
Item I send to my son William Goad the use of my Cow known
by the name of Blossom with her increase till his son John shall come on the
age of Twenty one years and then the property to vest on son John. But if the
said John should Die without Heir then the said Cow and her Increase to be
Divided amongst the rest of my son Williams children.
Item I give to my son Abraham Goad the use of my Cow known
by the name of Star with her Increase till his son James shall come to the age
of Twenty one years then the property to vest in said James but if said James
should Die without Heir then the said Cow with her Increase to be divided
amongst the rest of my son Abrahams children.
Item I give to my Grand son Thomas Goad son of John Goad my
least Gun.
Item I give to James Waldrop the Gun he now has of mine.
Item I give to my Loving Wife Ann Goad (second wife) all the Estate that she Brought with her when we was
married and all the rest of my personal estate not yet mentioned after my just
debts is paid. I send her the use of During her Widowhood and at her marriage
or Death to be equally divided between my son John Goad and his Children.
I send to my son William Goad the use of that part of my
land that he now lives upon as it is marked as to him During his life and at
his Death the property to vest in his son John Goad and his heirs for ever.
Item I send to my son Abraham Goad the use of that part of
my that he now lives on as it is marked as to him during his Life and at his
Death the property to vest on his son James and his heirs forever.
Item I send to my Loving wife the use of that part of my
Land whereon I now live as it is Said as to her which she agrees to Take for
her thirds during her life.
Item I send to my Son Robert Goad the use of the upper part
of my land as it is marked as to him and that part that is said as for my wifes
as Thirds after her Death. I do also send him the use of as long as he lives
and at his Death the property to vest in his son Thomas Goad and his heirs
Item my will and Desire is that my son John Goad Do Receive
all my Just Dues and pay of all my Just Debts out of my personal Estate if my
Dues should not be sufficient.
Item I Constitute and appoint my son John Goad Executor of
this my Last will and Testament. Given under my hand and seal this seventh Day
of July 1771.
John Goad
In the presence of Edward Wade, Geo: Phillips, Peter
At a court held for Bedford County the 23rd day July 1771 The within Last will and Testament of John Goad Dead was Exhibited in Court by John Goad Executor therein named and proved by the oaths of two of the witnesses thereto. Subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the executor who gave bond and security and made oath according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form of Law
Teste Ben Howard CBC (Clerk Bedford
County )
The above will confirms the children of John Goad by both his first and second wife, plus lists a daughter Ann . . . who I hadn't found listed anywhere else. Hmmm, I guess I need to do a bit more dancing with the ancestors and see what I can find out.
Joannah Goad was born November 1, 1723 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia. She died August 15, 1773 in Rockingham County, Virginia. She married Valentine Sevier (b. February 1, 1712 in St. Giles Parish, Cripplegate, London, England; d. December 30, 1803 in Carter City, Carter County, Tennessee) son of Valentine Sevier and Mary Smith, in 1744. They had the following children . . .
- John Sevier (1745 - 1815) - first Governor of Tennessee
- Valentine Sevier (1747 - 1800)
- Robert Sevier (1749 - 1780)
- Mary Polly Sevier (1753 - 1854)
- Catherine Sevier (1757 -1824)
- Bethenia Sevier (1759 -1760)
- Abraham Sevier (1760 - 1841)
- Elizabeth Sevier (1762 - 1839)
Abraham Sevier (b. February 14, 1760 in Frederick, Shenandoah County, Virginia; d. June 18, 1841 in Overton, Clay County, Tennessee) married Mary Little (b. May 14, 1770 in Augusta County, Virginia; d. March 4, 1839 in Pickett County, Tennessee). They had the following children . . .
- Elizabeth Sevier (1790 - 1805)
- Mary Ann Sevier (1792 - 1850)
- John Sevier (1795 - 1795)
- Jemima Douglass Sevier (1796 - 1822)
- Valentine Smith Sevier (1801 - 1842)
- Rebecca Sevier (1804 - 1822)
- Abraham Rutherford Sevier (1807 -1873)
- Catherine Sevier (1809 - 1861)
Mary Ann Sevier (b. December 9, 1792 in Carter County, Tennessee; d. after 1850 in White County, Tennessee) married John Halterman (b. 1791 in Virginia; d. 1850 in White County, Tennessee), son of Christian Haldeman and Eve Elizabeth Bradigan-Haldeman) on November 20, 1813. They had the following children . . .
- Mary Halterman (1815 - ?)
- Melvert Halterman (1817 - 1870) - twin
- Melvina Halterman (1817 - 1880) - twin
- John Sevier Halterman (1819 - 1890)
- Elizabeth Halterman (1825 - 1865)
- Jesse Marion Halterman (1828 - 1874)
- Adaline Halterman (1836 - 1923) - twin
- Emaline C. Halterman (1836 - 1923) - twin
Emaline C. Halterman (b. July 26, 1836 in White County, Tennessee; d. August 5, 1923 in McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee) married Hardin Smith Lane (b. March 26, 1833 in Van Buren County, Tennessee; d. December 31 1862 in Murphreesboro, Stone River, Tennessee at the Battle of Stones River), son of Endymon Baker lane and Jeanie Campbell, on December 30, 1855. They had the following children . . .
- Mary Lane (1857 - 1945)
- Martha Ann Lane (1858 - 1945)
- Franklin Pierce Lane (1860 - 1932)
- Hardin Smith Lane Jr. (1863 - 1949) - born after his father's death at the Battle of Stones River
Note II: on the death certificate of Martha Ann Lane-Smith, her parents are listed - by my great Aunt Clara no less, her daughter - as Emaline Halterman and Franklin Pierce Lane. This is incorrect. Franklin Pierce Lane is Emaline's son, who she was living with in the later years of her life. Dear Aunt Clara, as often happens, just put down the wrong information. Go figure.
Martha Ann Lane (b. August 22, 1858 in Warren County, Tennessee; d. May 16, 1945 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee) married John Leonard Smith (b. August 16, 1849 in Warren County, Tennessee; d. January 14, 1917 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee) son of John B. Smith and Rebecca Ann Adcock, on September 24, 1882. She was John Leonard's second wife, and step-mother to his four daughters (Lucy, Mollie, Francis Ida, and Euphemia) by his marriage to Irena Gribble. Martha Ann and John Leonard had the following children . . .
- Olive Mae Smith (1884 - 1935)
- Octavia Smith (1887 - 1984)
- Eunice Irene Smith (1889 - 1890)
- Osie Lee Smith (1894 - 1976)
- Clara Smith (1898 - 1968)
Osie Lee Smith (b. December 9, 1894 in Warren County, Tennessee; d. November 23, 1976 in Hendersonville, Sumner County, Tennessee) married John Francis Mitchell (b. November 3, 1884 in Warren County, Tennessee; d. May 27, 1959 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee), son of Charles A. Mitchell and Martha Tate on June 25, 1913. They had the following children . . .
- Mary Frances Mitchell (April 29, 1914 - August 23, 1996)
- Vernon Smith Mitchell (January 21, 1916 - September 10, 2004)
And my father Vernon Smith Mitchell married a lovely woman from a small - very, very, very small - town in Kentucky called Lebanon Junction. My mother was one of ten children. They had four children, and five grandchildren . . . but if you count my dogs and cat, plus my sister's cat, well . . .
And thus ends, at least for now, the descent from Abraham Goad down to, well, me.
Samantha Emma Halterman married Jack Sampson McWhirter
ReplyDeleteI , too, am a descendant of Abraham and Katherine Williams Goad. My line goes as follows
ReplyDeleteAbraham & Katherine Goad
Hannah Goad & Tobias Phillips
Elizabeth Philips & Timothy Dalton
Susannah Dalton & Issac Goad
Rhoda Jane Goad & Abraham Nester
Ernsetta Nester & Gilbert L Thomas
James A Thomas & Nancy Dorsey
Lela E Thomas & Dennis Scheivert (div)
Lela E Thomas & Robert Beck (2nd Husband